Story I Wrote Today

Thursday, October 22, 2009


One day, I woke up in a odd bed. I looked around and I was in a strange house, too. I went down the stairs with my brother, Tod. Tod said, “Where are we Jessie?” “I don’t know.”, I said. I saw this ugly thing that claimed to be my mother. She had Texas tornado hair, and super high heels. There was also my father. At least he claimed to be. He had purple skin and a torn up shirt. Last the baby. He had giant eyebrows and was fat with donuts.

We ran up stairs and to our surprise we found three dogs waiting for us. They were big green dogs with saber toothed cat like teeth. One was a mom and the others were pups. They snapped at us. And the battle went on. The dogs kept on snapping and we kept dodging. We both got bit on the butt twice.

Yikes! I kicked the dogs out before they could eat us. Tod asked me, ”Jessie are we going to get out okay?” “Yes”, I said. “We’ll get out fine.”
We tried to think as hard as we could to think of a plan.
“I got it!”, I said. “We can climb out the window when nobody’s looking!

At dawn we started to climb out of the window. To our surprise we saw the police. We called them and they saw us and got us down from the roof. Right when we thought we were safe, a bang came from the house out came the crazy family from the house. They cashed us in there crazy car. It was all the colors of the rainbow and was hairy. As we ran, I saw my brother with eight pieces of gum. Then I saw him chew them up and spit theme on the ground. The car got stuck in the gum! My shy little brother saved our lives!

I’m glad every thing is back to normal. I missed my family. My real family!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

On Friday, at school, we played the ultimate game of soccer. With about 96 people playing. Only two teams, 1 and 2. I was on team 2. It was awesome. I was a goally half the time, and playing the rest of the time. When the game was over, it was hard to tell who won because there was four balls and 96 players. It was awesome.

Palm Desert

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hi. Its me, Trinity. I am going to talk about my trip to palm desert. First,I took a two hour trip to the Living Desert. When I got there, I had a long, exhausting walk to Eagle Canyon. Next, we went into a amphibian hut with a bunch of amphibians. Frogs, Gila monsters,snakes,and a ground squirrel.I don't know why the ground squirrel, is it a amphibian or something? After that we kept on walking.We saw desert tortoises.One had a smooth shell, and the other had a bumpy shell. On the way to Gecko Gulch, we found a cool trail. It looked like a forest. I came out on the other side of the park .When we finally made it to Gecko Gulch,(Like a hour later!)it was closed!!!!!!!I was so mad!

The next day, we went to this place called Children's Discovery Museum. It was so much fun. I got to pretend to be a vet,a cashier,and a pizza parlor guy. I got to play on a wall of balls. I can
make the course for the balls and they go down it. There is a harp with invisable strings! It was awesome!

On the last day we took a trip to a place that was completely changed. It was a giant dinosaur park. I got to ride on a mechanical dinosaur.

That was my trip to Palm Desert. I had so much fun! :-)

All About Me

Hi. My name is Trinity. I am nine years old. I live with my mommy, my daddy, and my little brother. I have dogs named cricket and moses, two cats carfsea and fairo, and two fish stripes and goldey. My favorite thing to do is play on the computer and watch the news with my mom. I like to play on my nintendo ds and play monkeys with my brother. My favorite tv show is bakugan. I love bugs when I grow up I want to be an entamologist. That is all about me. =)