Something Major

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The major thing includes someone I like. His name is Christian. I've been sending him notes, but labeling them from 'Someone'. The cards have hints on who 'Someone' is. I finally told him it was me today. I said, " Hey Christian, I know who likes you. M-E, Bye!" and ran off. I was breathing really hard in the car. I didn't get to see his reaction. I'm scared to go to school tomorrow.

New Years

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The New Years are here! It's 2011 and where are the flying cars? I mean shouldn't we already have SOME new technology? Well we don't. I had a great new years at my house. Shannon, Jeremy, Cassidi, and Dylan came over. Sarah, Matt, Ellana, and their kids also came over. It was very fun. Happy New Year!


Friday, December 3, 2010

In two Weeks I'm going some were with my grandma. I don't know were. She said it's a surprise. It's very agitating. I hope it's some were fun. Well I'm not really exited about this weekend. We're not going anywere this weekend.


Noah, a kid in my class, broke his tooth at lunch time. That's right, broke. Half of it broke out and half of it stayed in. He was sort of proud of it. I don't see why. He must of had a serious cavity. Then he had a bloody nose right after lunch. It's cool waching from afar, but not if you sit at the same table as him!

Evil Sub

Today we had a sub. She yelled for no reason! We have this system called Kingston cash, and I got charged for telling Noah to be quiet! Then today she said I got charged severel times! Her name is Mrs. Roberts. A kid had to the office, and insted of handing him the note, she threw it at him! Whay a mean sub!


Friday, July 30, 2010

Cassidi's rat had babies and we are getting two! Bot girls, one is tan and the other is gray and White. They are going into my moms class. Miss Frisbee and the other rat (We don't have a name for it yet.) will enjoy they're new home.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

      Last night, I watched movie called Planet 51. It was a great movie. It show that things that we are  scared of might be just as scared of you. When a "alien" ( astronaut ) landed on a REAL alien planet it was total chaos. The whole wold went nuts! It was funny. You should watch it!